It is with great joy that I welcome you to these pages that celebrate to start our SchoolEdge You will find that we can boast excellent facilities, dedicated and professional staff, a lively Enrichment Programmed and – most importantly – to ensure you to outstanding academic success. For all of us, whatever our destiny in life, it is our school that is our foundation. Knowing that we attended a top brand institution is a commendation that all who is members of the SchoolEdge family will be able to carry with them, forever. For this reason we are committed to building our reputation through a continual process of evolution and development: you will see evidence of this in the recruitment of specialist teachers, our resources, the quality of our learning programmers and the range and quality of our extra-curricular activities. it is vital that our children are alert to the unprecedented opportunities that will present themselves over the coming years. A school that is alive, responsive and dynamic is surely the best start in life. And we believe that only the best will do, for our school, our students and our country. I would like to close by thanking everyone – parents, students and staff for putting your faith in our school and its future. All of us are and will always be part of the SchoolEdge family.
Tareq Ahmed Lincoln
Managing DirectorSchoolEdge